So recently I took the chance to give a talk on Java’s HashSets and TreeSets, demonstrating sample code along with the key features of both data structures.

Find my sample code and my slides here.

And here’s my sample source code:

package sets;
import java.util.*;

public class Sets {
    public static void display(HashSet<String> x){
        for(String i: x)System.out.println(i);
    public static void displaytree(TreeSet<String> x){
        for(String i:x)System.out.println(i);
    public static void main(String[] args) {        
        HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet<String>();        
        hs.clear(); // clears data in the HashSet        
        // adding elements to the HashSet 
        hs.add("Aditya"); hs.add("Ramesh"); hs.add("Aditya"); hs.add("Adi"); hs.add("Z");
        // displaying the HashSet
        // removing an element from the HashSet
        // checking if "Aditya" is in the HashSet
        if(hs.contains("Aditya")) System.out.println("Aditya is present in the HashSet");
        else System.out.println("Not found in HashSet");
        HashSet<String> cpy = new HashSet<String>();
        cpy = (HashSet)hs.clone(); // cloning the HashSet
        /* -------------------------------------------------- */
        TreeSet<String> ts = new TreeSet<String>();
        ts.clear(); // clears data in the TreeSet        
        ts.add("Aditya"); ts.add("Ramesh"); ts.add("Z"); ts.add("Aditya"); ts.add("Adi"); 
        // displaying the TreeSet
        // removing an element from the TreeSet
        // checking if "Aditya" is in TreeSet
        if(ts.contains("Aditya")) System.out.println("Aditya is present in the TreeSet");
        else System.out.println("Not found in TreeSet");
        TreeSet<String> treecpy = new TreeSet<String>(); 
        treecpy = (TreeSet)ts.clone(); // copies the TreeSet